Driving standards

20 July 2023

Vehicles don’t have accidents, people do. It is not generally due to a misunderstanding of the rules, but more often than not, due to a lapse in concentration, a genuine mistake or a deliberate breaking of the rules.

Whether it’s speed, distraction, mobile phone use or a disregard for other road users, all can lead to serious and tragic consequences.

Our July driving standards toolbox talk reminds drivers of their responsibilities and everything they need to know to operate safely on the road. It covers:

  • Professionalism and defensive driving techniques
  • The Highway Code and a reminder of the H rules
  • Controlling emotions and avoiding road rage
  • Consequences and the recent changes to sentencing rules

Drivers operate unsupervised for most of their working day and they are trusted to act responsibility, professionally and within the rules. This toolbox talk ensures their driving standards and road safety are at the forefront of their minds.