London HGV Safety Permit Scheme

20 September 2024

On 28 October, the HGV Safety Permit Scheme becomes much more stringent for driving a goods vehicle over 12 tonne GVW in London. Often bandied as Direct Vision Standard (DVS) the HGV Safety Permit Scheme has been in place since March 2021. However, operators and drivers should be aware that all permits issued under these older conditions will expire on 27 October this year.

The new permit conditions can be met by either the vehicle holding a minimum of a DVS three-star rating or by fitting Progressive Safe System (PSS) measures to zero, one and two star DVS rated vehicles.
This month’s London HGV Safety Permit toolbox talk is designed to help drivers have a clear understanding of the HGV Permit Scheme, why it’s in place, its rules and scope of application. It covers:

  • The difference between DVS, PSS and the HGV Permit Scheme conditions
  • Each of the PSS measures and the driver’s responsibility for their serviceability
  • How to check a vehicle’s DVS rating and whether it is permitted
  • The enforcement, penalty charges and consequences for not complying with the scheme conditions

Driving a vehicle in London that doesn’t comply with the London HGV Safety Permit Scheme is not only falling well short of the expected safety standard, it can also be costly as daily penalty charges can mount up. Raising driver awareness of the scheme, DVS, PSS and their responsibilities for the maintenance of the measures will minimise the risk of non-compliance and help ensure your vehicles are meeting the latest commonly accepted safety standards.