Euro 2024 and the morning after

14 June 2024

With Euro 2024 kicking off today until 14 July, drivers should be conscious of their alcohol intake if they’re driving the following morning. Throughout the competition, roads policing officers across the country will be enhancing patrols, targeting drink drivers to ensure that everyone gets home safe.

The morning after can catch out even the most responsible drivers. With England, Scotland and the home nations of many drivers competing in the UEFA European Championship, the probability of a driver being over the legal limit the morning after is increased.

This month’s we’ve released an extra toolbox talk on ‘the morning after’ to remind drivers of their responsibilities behind the wheel. It covers:

  • What the law says and the legal alcohol limits across the UK
  • ABV strength, and how long it takes the body to process alcohol
  • The consequences and strict penalties for drink driving convictions
  • The morning after message  and hard hitting Think campaign material

We all understand that drivers want to cheer on their teams this summer and we’re not saying drivers shouldn’t drink. What we are saying is that drivers should ‘think before they drink’, particularly if they have to drive the following day. The law around custodial sentences has been strengthened recently meaning the penalties for drink driving offences are even more severe than before.