PMW Quarries – case study

31 October 2022

The problem

For PMW Quarries, the search for a tool that removed the reliance on paper-based methods of communicating essential information to drivers, seemed to be unsuccessful.

The Yorkshire-based supplier of aggregates had been proactively looking for a solution to help with compliance, and also enable efficient distribution of information, whilst not needing to take drivers off the road for extended periods.

Although PMW Quarries sees all of its drivers on a daily basis and has regular, constant contact with them, finding a balance between keeping drivers well informed and out on the road was proving difficult.

The solution

At Tip-Ex 2021, one of the first industry events post-lockdown, the team at PMW Quarries visited The Driver Handbook stand on an information gathering exercise. Six months later, the company had implemented the driver app and TDHConnect into its business and was well on its way to making the solution its own.

In use across PWM Quarries’ 30+ drivers, The Driver Handbook is used to communicate:

  • The Driver Handbook’s standard HGV content
  • A comprehensive range of PMW Quarries’ own policies, method statements and risk assessments
  • Safety notices and customised toolbox talks specific to PMW’s operation

“Historically we’d distribute information to our drivers via a fairly basic method: every driver had a tray in the office and we’d put memos, safety alerts, toolbox talks – anything they needed to know – in these trays for the drivers to pick up, read, understand and sign. Since we started using The Driver Handbook we’ve removed a complicated process and no longer need to get drivers to sign pieces of paper that need storing – everything’s captured in TDHConnect”.

The results

Danny Watson, Director, PMW Quarries said:

“The Driver Handbook has changed the way we work.

I’ve used TDHConnect to add lots of our own content to the app for our drivers and I’ve actually enjoyed doing it! It’s really satisfying to view it on my own phone before distributing it to our drivers. I get to see exactly what they’ll see; I can edit it really easily and make it look much less boring than it might on a sheet of paper.

In addition to being able to quickly and easily add our own information, having the ability to see exactly who’s read what, when and for how long is the miracle of The Driver Handbook for me!

There’s so much that we need to make drivers aware of. Previously we’d have to get them into the office one-by-one and potentially spend hours making sure they had access to all the essential information they needed to do their jobs. Now it’s ALL available to them, ALL of the time, in their apps.

Our drivers know they can no longer just get in their wagon and drive each day, there’s so much more to their jobs than just driving. Without a doubt The Driver Handbook has solved the problem of making sure our drivers have the information they need.

It has been, and continues to be, a process of change – some drivers have taken to it without hesitation, some need a bit more prompting and others need ongoing support. But the benefit of TDHConnect is that we can identify those drivers quickly and easily from the reporting that’s available.

The Driver Handbook is one of those tools that just does what you need it to”.